September 12, 2023 3 min read


We love Bamboo - but beware!

There are many reasons that Bamboo is an awesome choice when it comes to swapping the products on offer in your hotel. There are however, some things to look out for, because Bamboo could actually be damaging the environment. Due to increasing popularity, large areas of land are being cleared in some places around the world in order to make way for bamboo plantations. This can lead to the displacement of wildlife and a decrease in biodiversity of existing ecosystems. It's also worth knowing that the process used to transform bamboo fibers into fabric is chemically-intensive. These issues raise questions about the material's true eco-friendliness. 


Bamboo is predominantly grown in China, so its true sustainability depends on numerous factors in a lengthy and complex global supply chain. Transparency is key to minimising its environmental and social impacts. This is where accreditations and knowing your supply chain (ask the questions!) is really important for making informed decisions regarding a bamboo product.  




For some reassurance, consumers can look out for bamboo-based products that are FSC certified, as this shows that the material comes from sustainably managed crops, and not from areas that have been specifically deforested to grow bamboo.


It is important that in textiles, you look out for organic bamboo or bamboo linen, which means the fibres will have been mechanically rather than chemically extracted. Labelling is not always clear, but the next best option is ‘lyocell’ bamboo, which minimises chemical use.


We recommend finding suppliers which adopt a circular model for their business processes. How are they reusung and recycling their waste turing it back into raw materials and saving it from landfill and what happens to their products at the end of their first life? (Again, ask the questions!)


Now for all the good news

Bamboo is one of the world's most prolific and fastest-growing plants, and is able to reach maturity in 3 to 5 years, compared to the typical 25 to 70 years for trees used for paper based products. It's one of nature's most sustainable resources!

Bamboo is better for the planet

  • Bamboo captures more carbon dioxide and releases 35% more oxygen into the atmosphere when compared to a similarly sized stand of hardwood trees.

No chemicals needed for growing Bamboo

  • Bamboo does not require the use of chemicals and fertilisers in order to cultivate it. Although panda bears have taken quite a liking to bamboo, bugs are generally not interested in this giant grass. A stand of bamboo does not require pesticides to keep destructive bugs away. This ensures that chemicals will not find their way into the soil and groundwater as a result of bamboo farming.

It requires less water

  • Bamboo does not require much water to grow. Although bamboo is willing to grow in wetland conditions, it can also be grown in places where other plants would require supplemental watering to survive. Fresh water is a valuable resource on our planet, and bamboo is not a needy plant when it comes to water consumption.

High demand is no problem

  • Bamboo has a yield 25 times higher than a comparable stand of trees. All the while, this wonder plant produces more oxygen for the atmosphere.

Better for the soil

  • When bamboo is harvested, each culm is simply cut at ground level. The root system remains in the ground and quickly sprouts more bamboo shoots. The root system that remains in the ground between harvesting helps the soil to resist erosion. In some places, bamboo is planted along riverbanks to prevent soil erosion.

  • Bamboo also drops leaves and stems onto the ground where it is growing. This natural litter turns to mulch and acts as a fertilizer.

  • In the event that a bamboo product is discarded, it is amazing to know that items made from bamboo are 100% biodegradable!

The many uses and benefits of bamboo continue to increase as individuals turn to organic, eco-friendly products. Think Toilet Rolls, Kitchen Towels, Cotton Buds, Toothbrushes, Bamboo Charcoal Soap and many more. Also, bamboo is perfect next to sensitive skin because it is naturally hypoallergenic, and anti-bacterial, preventing odor, allergies and skin irritations.